Sunday, October 22, 2006



 今日は、我が家で鍋パーティーをした。10時から準備を始め、12時半過ぎにゲストが到着。予定より人数が多い。今回のパーティーは、鶏鍋のあとに餃子、そして最後にお雑炊、というメニューである。いずれもなかなか好評であった。鶏鍋の中身は、白菜、ネギ、人参、大根、しらたき、しいたけ(もどき)、豆腐である(春菊入れ忘れた!)。豆腐(queso de soja)は気に入ってもらえたよう。餃子はもちろん大好評(特に日本人)!この時点でみなさんお腹いっぱいらしいが、お雑炊も一応作ってみる。卵の量が少し多かったが、なかなか食べられるものができた。楽しい会になったと思う。



To help me read your posts I use "AltaVista" translation website. Sometimes it comes up with some very strange/funny translations!

I laughed very hard at this post. "鍋パーティー" was translated as "Pot Party"! "Pot" is another word for marijuana! And "Pot Party" has 2 meanings in English.

The first meaning is a party were people go to smoke marijuana (You can see a definition here: "Weed" is also another word for marijuana).

The second meaning is a political party (group) that supports the use of marijuana. Such as the "Marijuana Party of Canada" (

SHOKO, I AM SHOCKED!!! I didn't know that you are such a bad girl!!! A "POT PARTY"!!! At your house with your friends!!! You should come home immediately from Mexico before you get into anymore trouble!! ;-) (Joke, of course!)

フフフフフフフフー (that's how you laugh in Japanese, right?)

犬 Ken.
フフフフフ… It's too late! It's wrong for you to let me go to Mexico! ;-)

Anyway, I tried "AltaVista" and what made me laugh is '餃child'!!! I think you may know this kanji, 餃子(ぎょうざ). I can't believe that it doesn't have the word, GYOZA!
And as I had expected your name was translated as 'the dog', which was funny, too.
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